It's another Monday. This week is going to be a tough week. I have a really crazy work schedule that isn't going to allow me to go to many classes, and I am going to be extremely short on sleep.
But today was a normal day. A regular 8 hour work day, followed by classes at Vixen Fitness. Mondays are turning into my hardest day of classes, the day that I push myself harder than most. Thus, I had my 3 classes, 3.5 hours in total, of working out.
If you told me 25 days ago that I would be taking over 3 hours of fitness classes in a single day, I would probably laugh in your face!! I tried P90X and I would stick to it for a week or two. But then life would happen. I would skip one day here because of my schedule and one day there, and then I felt like a failure because I hadn't stuck to the routine and the plan. It was also so monotonous! The ab DVD, for instance, was the same each time, it never changed because it was a video! I have discovered that I thrive in a classroom setting. I was always really great in school, and my natural competitiveness propelled me to excel in classes and strive to be the best. Taking fitness classes is very similar to that. Being around other people pushes me to do better. To do more reps, to hold a position longer, to run harder and fast, and to just generally be at my best. Sure I sometimes have to stop during an exercise to breathe sometimes, or to shake off my muscles, but those pauses don't last long (not like when I used to work out at home to DVD's!) I am so proud of my progress so far!!
The first class was Zumba. It was pretty much the same as the last time I took the class. To be completely honest, Zumba isn't one of my favorite classes. Doing the same three steps over and over then 3 new steps over and over is fine for working up a sweat and getting your cardio in, but it doesn't seem to hold my interest for too long. I do like Zumba for thr cardio aspect, and so I will continue to take the class, but I much prefer the dance classes.
Second class was 30/30/30. This class with Jesus is slowly turning into one of my favorites! The strengthening exercises are just what I need and they are intense. The spin portion is amazing for cardio and I can actually feel my legs and thighs getting stronger each time I take this class!! And the last section of the class, yoga, brings your entire body together. The class is a perfect combo of cardio, strength, and flexibility!
The last class was my second helping of Cardio Dance. We did our 8 minutes of planking (of which I almost did it all!!) and the extreme warm-up, followed by a short dance routine. I adore the instructor, Romero. He is so fun and funny, and just his general personality make me forget that what I'm doing (8 freakin' minutes of planking) is hard!
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