Tuesday, August 5, 2014

July 31, 2014- the beginning

     Let me start by sharing a bit about myself. I am a spry 29 year old who lives in Florida. I am an actor and a performer and my job hinges on my "look" and maintaining a "healthy" body weight is par for the course. If you were to see me in person, you wouldn't say that I'm fit by any means, and you also wouldn't say that I'm overweight. But at 5'1, and 127lbs, I AM considered overweight. For those of us more 'vertically challenged' individuals, even 5 measly little pounds can make a HUGE difference. We show any weight gain instantly and it's a very difficult thing to manage.
     This is the largest I've ever been in my life. The more I age, and with each passing day, weight becomes harder and harder to lose. In my early 20's, I could maintain my weight simply by working (dancing 6 shows under the scorching Florida sun.) I didn't do any additional working out or any type of dieting. I was never toned or tight, but  my number on the scale was low and unchanging.
     Now, less than a decade later, my body is a shell that I want to shed like a snake. I look at myself when I get dressed in the morning and I am disgusted with what I have let occur. MY choices made me like this- so I can't blame anyone else but yours truly. I made a decision to get myself to get into amazing shape. To actually apply myself. I had attempted P90X and T25 in the past, but I would always flake on workouts, skip days when I was feeling lazy, half-ass exercises, take more "breaks" then the programs' allowed, and usually quit after 2-3 weeks. I made a promise to commit this time. And with a wedding looming in 2.5 months, it was perfect motivation. Every Bride wants to look fantastic on their wedding day, and this lady is no exception! So, for motivation, I also decided to start a blog to document my journey. Here are my obligatory "before" pics- complete with no-make up, black and white filter, and scraggly hair!

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