Saturday, August 30, 2014

August 18, 2014- 58 days until the wedding!!

     I worked until 5pm then rushed over to Vixen Fitness for some ZUMBA!!! This was my first Zumba class ever and I was quite excited for it! 

     Zumba is not really a dance class. Yes there is dancing, and it's technically a 'dance fitness' class, but no prior dance experience is required. You just have to watch and listen to the instructor, follow along, and have fun!! Because I DO have some prior dance experience, I was able to track the pattern of the movements (or choreography I guess you could call it in this case) and predict which movement sequences were coming up when. The instructor did a good job of mixing a fast, upbeat number with a slower, calmer number. It made for a better workout because it was almost like interval training. While I didn't feel like I got a huge cardio workout from the Zumba class, I will say that I sweat a little bit, and I drank an entire bottle of water (and I only drink water when I'm sweating!). I would take Zumba again as long as their isn't another class at the same time that I'd rather take.
     Today I decided to take the full 30/30/30 class with Jesus! I know that 2 weeks ago I took just the spin portion of the class, but today I'm doing the whole she-bang! Luckily my two friends (Ariana and Jen) were also taking the class, so we could suffer together! When I walked into class, Jesus told us to run 5 laps around the building. Excuse me? Let me clean out my ears because I thought you said 5 LAPS!!! Nope.. I heard correctly! Ariana, Jen and I were at the front of the pack and we ran/jogged the ENTIRE 5 LAPS!! After the 3rd lap I wanted to walk for a bit, but the girls convinced me not to give up, to power through and to think about my wedding. So every single time that I wanted to walk, I repeated my own personal mantra: "Beautiful, white dress; beach wedding; wedding dress body; sweating for the wedding." We lapped most of the other ladies in the class and we lapped one poor girl twice! When we lapped on particular group of girls, they exclaimed, "What? They MUST be cheating!" I was extremely irritated with that remark!  We had watched 3 girls cut through the center of the building (where there is an outside patio entrance) and only do half of the building and they were calling US cheaters! The nerve!!! After we were finished with our laps, Jesus ushered is all inside (so some people only ran 3-4 laps, which my friends and I did all 5!) AND there were already people inside the classroom who had claimed that they ran all 5 laps! No WAY!!! We were in the front of the group the entire time and you didn't lap us!! I was furious! But I calmed myself down. After all, why should I be concerned with those individuals? They are only cheating themselves! They are paying to attend this class and to get in shape, but they are cheating themselves by not performing what is asked of them. It is these very same individuals who like to claim on various social media sites that they are constantly at the gym and working out, but they never seem to get in better shape. You see those people at the gym as well. They claim to spend "3 hours at the gym," but they do maybe 15 minutes of arms, a couple of squats, a handful of crunches, a push-up or two, and then 2.5 hours on their phones!
     SO, after our 5 laps, we did about 15 mins of TRX training, which got my legs and arms and core burning!!! Up next was our 30 minutes of spin! They overbooked the class, so there were more girls then Vixen had bikes for. Thus, Jesus had to improvise. He had half of us on bikes and the other half did various leg and butt exercises. Then the groups switched after 15 minutes. It was a complete cardio workout! Afterwards, we completed our 30 minutes of calming yoga. Now yoga with Jesus is still incredibly challenging! He makes us sweat but in a more controlled and calmer atmosphere.
     All in all it was a sweat-inducing Monday afternoon/evening at Vixen Fitness!

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