Sunday, August 24, 2014

August 14, 2014- 62 day until the wedding!!

     Alas the day has come: the last day that I am using my vacation hours. I will still have days off every week, but not the significant amount of days off that I've had the wonderful pleasure of experiencing as of late. Thus, to celebrate the end of my vacation hours, I took the 2 tough classes!
     Thursday is going to be my "tough" day. All of the classes typically offered on Thursdays are rough, tough, sweaty, muscle straining, and just generally exhausting! First up the agenda was Cardio Kickboxing with Jesus. We started the class in a similar fashion to how we started the class last week- with some jogging around the room, side-stepping, quick kicks, cardio. Once we all were panting and gasping for breath, Jesus asked us to pair up and put gloves and pads on. My friend Kira was at the class, so she was my partner. It was her first time at Cardio Kickboxing, and I was anxious to see what she thought! The partner work today was more intensive (in my opinion) than it was last week. During a rather strenuous punch sequence, my arms were hurting so much that I had to take mini breaks to shake them out before I could continue on! I love all of Jesus' classes because it doesn't take it easy on us and he pushes us because he knows we can handle it!
     After kickboxing, Kira and I went right into Butt & Abs Bootcamp with Kristie. Dang this class!!! I was so physically worn down that I think I actually had an out of body experience! I saw myself doing the exercises, but I don't remember actually doing them! It was so incredibly exhausting! I knew it was going to be tough when the very first thing we had to do was 100 squats! Talk about buns of steel!! Superman has nothing on my booty!!  

      After Butt & Abs Bootcamp, Vixen was offering a Lyra class. Now I have been dying to take a Lyra class, but today was not the day! I was WAY too run down to even think about trying to attempt something difficult and strenuous on an apparatus that I've never been on! Just another day in Marisa's Movement!!

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